Wednesday 17 October 2012

H&R Block 2013 Tax Refund Calculator

H&R Block Calculator Helps File Taxes in 2013

When filing out taxes for the year, it can be quite a daunting task for many people. For those that have small businesses or large families, the task can be even more complex, with all the rules, exceptions, and so forth. Fortunately for those of us that are not experts on the code and regulations of taxes, there are professionals and tools to help us.

One way to get information on the best way to file is the H&R Block Tax Refund Calculator, which is pretty straightforward and easy to use. Information relevant to taxes (such as personal income, marital status, etc.) can be entered and some questions may be asked to clarify certain characteristics. From there the calculator analyses the current 2013 rules and helps you file the best way possible. Among the many different variables considered for taxes and tax deductions are donations to charity, job expensive, the hybrid vehicle credit and more.

Taking a Second Look at My Taxes

I am sure I am not the only person that absolutely dreads tax time every year but I am also sure I am not the only person that suffers through it anyway. Every year I use whatever free online software I happen to come across first to file my taxes and barely think a second thought about it after I file. Lately though I had been hearing and seeing a lot of commercials about people not getting their proper refund back because of the tax preparation software they were using so it made me wonder if maybe I was one of those people as well. I had heard lots of great things about H&R Block 2013Tax Refund Calculator so I decided to try to use it to see what it thought or estimated my refund should be. Turns out it was several hundred dollars more than I had been getting!

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