Monday 22 October 2012

Catastrophic Health Insurance Coverage

What is Catastrophic Health Insurance?

Catastrophic Health Insurance provides a plan that will cover long-term illness, medical expenses, and injuries that are typically not covered on regular health plans. It’s sometimes referred to as a High Deductible Health Plans because you will pay a larger deductible in order to have lower premium monthly payments. So with that being said, in case you needed to utilize your Catastrophic Health plan you’d need to pay your deductible up front prior to the insurance covering the remainder of your claims. Most people with such plans will take out a Health Savings Account to assist with the deductible or future medical expenses.

Two Types of Catastrophic Plans

Comprehensive: Comprehensive plans offer coverage that is similar to traditional health care plans. You will still have a higher deductible in order to ensure lower payments. Comprehensive plans cover emergency services and costly hospital stays. Although the comprehensive plan can be more expensive, it’s still cheaper than a traditional medical plan.

Supplemental: A supplemental plan serves as an additional plan that will provide services that your traditional health care plan does not. For example, if you’ve exceeded your limits or your traditional health care plan doesn’t cover a product or illness, your supplemental plan can. It’s great for individuals with hearing aids, nursing care, or psychiatric needs. Having a supplemental plan, in addition to your traditional plan, helps reduce high-end medical bills in the future.

Related Post:
Catastrophic Health Insurance Coverage

Who is an Ideal Candidate for a High Deductible Health Plan?

Ideally, Catastrophic Health Insurance may not be great for everyone. It’s essential that you’re prepared to pay your high deductible in the case of emergencies. So, we’ve found the health plan to popular with…
§ Individuals who are self-employed.
§ Individuals with lower incomes who still need insurance.
§ Adults who are healthy with low medical needs, who would like a medical plan for emergencies.
§ Elders who need supplemental plans to decrease their medical expenses in the future

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