Thursday 13 September 2012

I feel healthier than ever, thanks to electronic cigarettes

Despite the shift to Electronic Cigarette is not the same as stopping smoking, I do not feel much better than I did when I was smoking a regular cigarette. If you look at the differences between electronic cigarettes and regular, you will easily see that there are a lot of health benefits that come with switching to electronic cigarettes. Of course, it should be noted that the e-cigarette is not really safe, because nothing contains nicotine can be really safe. Nicotine is still not very safe and addiction, so can not give anything nicotine your body really be considered a safe thing, but it is certainly healthier than smoking real cigarettes for many reasons.

For one, when you smoke the e-cigarette, you inhale vapor that contains nicotine. I do not smoke inhalation when electronic cigarette smoking. However, when you smoke the normal ones, you are not only smoke inhalation, but you're also inhaling all the bad chemicals that come with it. Not only that, before you also addressed each of tar that sticks to your lungs and clogs your arteries as well, which is the worst thing about smoking real cigarettes. When e-cigarette smoking, and you avoid all that.

After just one month of switching to electronic cigarettes, I noticed that I was breathing easier and I felt much better in general. I did not have those "excessive intake of alcohol, smoking," we used to have when I went out and smoked a pack and a half at the club. I think he has really smoke a severe effect on how you feel, and since I was no longer in a smoke lungs, you do not feel these effects anymore.

I still get the nicotine I craved, but it was much purer, without any of the chemicals, smoke or tar. This is why I suddenly felt a lot better even though I still technically smoking.

Another thing that is great about electronic cigarettes is that there is no odor involved. This means that you can smoke whenever you want and wherever you want without stinking up the place. A month later began notes how bad places where people smoke all of the smell of the time and I noticed that my apartment is no longer smell like this, made me a very happy camper. Not to mention that you do not smell either anymore. It was great to be able to get out, get my nicotine when I wanted it, and not to return home with my skin, hair and clothes smell like an ashtray.

Related Post:
How electronic cigarettes work if there is no smoke?

I have found that the benefits of electronic cigarettes are great, and there is no reason that you should not at least tried. I recommend them strongly for both smoke regular cigarettes and are looking for something new to try that can improve the way that might feel.

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